We are one of Poland's leading consulting firms, with market presence spanning a period of 12 years. Never giving up our desire for growth, we continue to expand our presence to new global markets. We know that ‘company’ means ‘people’. That's why we only work with the best. Of course, we value diplo-mas from renowned universities, international licenses and extensive qualifications, but what’s especially important to us are the values held by the members of our team. The values which we consider the most important are courage, honesty, a sense of responsibility, cooperativeness, openness, respect, and will-ingness to develop oneself and to support others in their development.
If you are passionate about these values as well, join us!
The training provided by ECDP Szkolenia is highly recommendable, in particular to companies which want to boost their efficiency by improving the skills of their staff.
Current job opportunities:
Zainteresowane osoby prosimy o przesłanie aplikacji
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Do przesłanej oferty prosimy dołączyć oświadczenie o zgodzie na przetwarzanie danych osobowych o treści wskazanej w ogłoszeniu.